Treats that last a lifetime - 2016 Dec

The Buzzart Fair at the KZNSA Gallery is always a treat for me, both in exhibiting and selling my own work, and then in spoiling myself with treasures to enjoy in my home for a lifetime to come.  

This year I bought two Tricam Prints; a lovely mandala drawn by Nindya Tricam and a beautiful drawing of the Durban Station by Nikhil Tricam.  Look them up ... their works are wonderful.

You're bound to find a unique item, hand-crafted and local-to-Durban from the fair, so if you're in the area, stop by.

You'll experience a profound difference in living with origional, hand-crafted, made-with-heart works compared with the mass-produced same-old-same in all the super-commercial shops out there.

Transcend the Present I - Mixed Media on Board - 16x12cm - SOLD

Transcend the Present II - Mixed Media on Board - 16x12cm